What is True Care and What Can We Do For You?

True Care Women’s Resource Center is a non-profit organization that helps women experiencing unplanned pregnancies. We offer medical services, including limited obstetrical ultrasound and STD testing and treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhea, and we provide education on all three pregnancy options (abortion, adoption, and parenting). We also provide a listing of community resources to help

Spring Allergies Affect Many, Including Pregnant Women

Spring is in full bloom in Casper, Wyoming! Recent snows and rains helped the grass grow and green, tulips, daffodils and various flowers to bloom, and apple, elm, and other trees to bud. With the onslaught of the season and its beauty also comes small, and large, irritants: like allergies. According to the Centers for Disease

What to Expect from Your First True Care Appointment

For many women, going to a medical clinic that specializes in reproductive services can cause anxiety and uncertainty, especially if she is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. At True Care Women’s Resource Center, the licensed medical professionals and compassionate advocates with whom our patients meet create an atmosphere of comfort and acceptance. We have a relaxing

5 Things to Know Before Having an Abortion

You think you might be pregnant. It’s unplanned and you’re not sure what to do. Even though your emotions may be running high, from fear to uncertainty, shock to sadness, it’s important for you to get the information you need. If you’re thinking about abortion, there are things you owe yourself to know and certain

Back to School Time!

Summer is waning and classrooms are on the horizon. Fall semester at Casper College begins on Monday, August 22, and the Natrona County Public School starts the following week, on August 31. Where did the time go, and are you ready for school to begin? Back to College If you’re a college student, there are

Enjoy the Nice Weather! Exercise & Pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy is beneficial, just as exercise when not pregnant is beneficial. When you’re pregnant, exercise can help keep weight gain in check, reduce a woman’s risk of gestational diabetes, decrease discomfort during pregnancy, and may help ease labor and delivery. Summer is Arriving! With a turn of the calendar page, we are into a new

Stress and Pregnancy

Life is filled with stressors, from jobs (or lack of) and relationship issues to missing project deadlines, missing your period, and finding you have a positive pregnancy test. Even if being pregnant is exciting for you, feeling stressed during pregnancy is common, according to the March of Dimes. Some stress in our lives is okay;

Poison Prevention Month: Accidental Poisoning Can Happen to Any Age Group

March is Poison Prevention Awareness Month. One of the most common forms of accidental poisoning comes in the form of household cleaners, and that usually happens to young children. However, situations such as mis-labeled medication and not reading dosage instructions also occur, and those can, and do, happen to adults. How Bad Is It? According