What Can True Care Do For Me?

  If you find you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, to whom do you turn? Friend? Family? Your partner? People who care about you can listen, cry with you, and help you consider plans for the future. The question is–can you trust them to not judge you, push you into a decision you don’t want to

Is It Important To Get Tested for STDS Before Having An Abortion?

The answer is a definite “Yes!” Two sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, are common culprits of PID and can be easily treated with antibiotics. True Care offers free testing for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea during your pregnancy test appointment, and our nurses provide treatment for our patients who test positive for either of these STDs.

True Care Works Diligently to Help You Feel Safe!

Your health and safety matter! At True Care, we are doing all that we can to help you feel safe and comfortable when you visit our facility. For example, last year, we implemented a security system for patient confidentiality and safety. Before anyone comes into the center, they must use the outdoor buzzer and tell

Volunteers Support True Care … and Our Patients

Do you volunteer or have you ever thought about volunteering for a worthy cause? Volunteers give their time to support organizations they care about. They build houses for Habitat for Humanity, rescue and foster pets for animal shelters and pet rescue groups, and cook for and/or feed the hungry for rescue missions. All of this

Ectopic Pregnancy – What is it and Can it Happen to Me?

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a tiny embryo implants somewhere it is not supposed to. Instead of burrowing into the lining of a woman’s uterus the embryo implants into the ovary, fallopian tube (most common), somewhere out in the abdomen, or even in a previous C-section scar.  Ectopic pregnancies are very rare (only 1-2% of all pregnancies),