4 Things To Know Before Taking the Abortion Pill

A woman who experiences an unplanned pregnancy often feels anxiety and a need to deal with the situation quickly. Thoughts whirl like a tornado. She faces a decision that affects her future, whether she chooses to have an abortion or to continue the pregnancy. At or before 10 weeks, a woman can choose to have

Are STDs Contagious?

No symptoms, no worry, right? Wrong. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are highly contagious even though you may not be aware you have one.  Don’t be fooled by the lack of noticeable signs. You could be getting an STD or giving one even though you and your partner look and feel perfectly healthy. If you’re unexpectedly

True Care Offers True Choice for Your Unplanned Pregnancy

Jade lives in England. She took the first abortion pill, and immediately regretted that decision. Like hundreds of women in her situation, she searched online for the answer to her question: “Can I reverse the abortion pill?” and found the abortion pill reversal (APR) website. She contacted the hotline number and was put in touch

How To Use Mindfulness To Alleviate Postpartum and Post-Abortion Depression

Is it all just too much? Everyone experiences stress, but the last 18 months has probably been the most stressful time in decades for almost everyone.   COVID has most likely affected you in some way. Perhaps you lost someone close to you. Maybe you already had depression and then you were forced to stay

Skin Cancer Awareness – Wyoming Women Are Not Immune

Did you know that doctors diagnose five million cases of skin cancer in the U.S. every year? And that melanoma/skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in America? No – Wyoming women are not immune from this preventable yet deadly disease. We may live in a colder climate, but the sun shines in

Sexual Assault: You Are Not Alone

Allison awoke in her bed with a pounding headache. Her body felt like a Mack truck ran it over. She noticed she was half-naked, not a way she generally slept. Time passed, and when she realized she had missed her period, she made an appointment at True Care. The nurse administered a free pregnancy test,

Is Your Relationship Good for You?

Did you know that, on average, 20 people in the United States are physically abused by an intimate partner EVERY MINUTE? One in 4 women experiences severe physical violence by an intimate partner sometime in their lifetime. Research shows intimate partner violence accounts for 15 percent of all violent crimes, including rape and murder. The

Breast Cancer and Abortion: Is There a Connection?

Did you know that one in eight American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime? Did you know that some studies show abortion might be a contributing factor to breast cancer? October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Although doctors do not know the exact cause of breast cancer, or why one

Is It Important To Get Tested for STDS Before Having An Abortion?

The answer is a definite “Yes!” Two sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, are common culprits of PID and can be easily treated with antibiotics. True Care offers free testing for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea during your pregnancy test appointment, and our nurses provide treatment for our patients who test positive for either of these STDs.

True Care Works Diligently to Help You Feel Safe!

Your health and safety matter! At True Care, we are doing all that we can to help you feel safe and comfortable when you visit our facility. For example, last year, we implemented a security system for patient confidentiality and safety. Before anyone comes into the center, they must use the outdoor buzzer and tell