Should I Have an Ultrasound Before Taking the Abortion Pill?

The simple answer is: YES, it’s important to have an ultrasound before taking the abortion pill. Here’s why: You need to know how far along you are. The abortion pill, which is actually a combination of two pills, should only be used if you are 10 weeks along or earlier. You might think you know

True Care Works Diligently to Help You Feel Safe!

Your health and safety matter! At True Care, we are doing all that we can to help you feel safe and comfortable when you visit our facility. For example, last year, we implemented a security system for patient confidentiality and safety. Before anyone comes into the center, they must use the outdoor buzzer and tell

Before Making An Abortion Appointment, Make Sure You’re Really Pregnant!

Do you think you’re pregnant? Are you considering abortion? Perhaps you’ve taken a home pregnancy test, received a positive result, and you don’t want to be pregnant. Your first thought is abortion so you start researching on where you can get one. STOP! Your first thought needs to be, “Am I really pregnant?” Home Pregnancy

4 Myths About Preventing Pregnancy – and the Real Truth

There are many wives’ tales and urban legends about how to avoid getting pregnant. We’ll look at four of those and tell the truth about each one. We’ll also provide you with information about what to do if you’re experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. Four Myths Using a condom or other birth control prevents pregnancy. FALSE.