There are many wives’ tales and urban legends about how to avoid getting pregnant. We’ll look at four of those and tell the truth about each one. We’ll also provide you with information about what to do if you’re experiencing an unexpected pregnancy.

Four Myths

  1. Using a condom or other birth control prevents pregnancy. FALSE. Although various forms of birth control can help reduce the risk of pregnancy, the only 100% effective means of not having an unplanned pregnancy (and not getting an STD) is through abstinence. Birth control measures can fail, including “the pill.” Additionally, oral contraceptives have been known to increase a woman’s risk for cancer, including breast and cervical.
  2. Drinking Mountain Dew or alcohol or taking drugs lowers a man’s sperm count or kills his sperm. FALSE. Drinking alcohol doesn’t kill a man’s sperm, and Mountain Dew doesn’t lower a man’s sperm count. Drinking alcohol or taking drugs does lower a person’s inhibitions, and therefore, his/her ability to make good decisions, including whether or not to have sex. 
  3. Breastfeeding prevents pregnancy. FALSE. Although breastfeeding alters a woman’s hormones, reducing the frequency of her periods and decreasing her chances of conception, nursing a baby isn’t full-proof.  Even if a woman hasn’t yet had a period after having a baby, she can still get pregnant. Her first ovulation after her pregnancy will occur before her first period. Therefore, relying on breastfeeding as a sole form of birth control is not recommended (especially for women who breastfeed long-term). provides an ovulation calendar which you may find helpful.
  4. I won’t get pregnant the first time I have sex. FALSE. A girl can get pregnant any time she ovulates, even if she’s never had sex before.

Find more myths and truths at the Cleveland Clinic website:

Contact True Care for Answers

If you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, or you know someone who is, True Care can help. We provide the answers to the questions (1) Am I really pregnant? (2) How far along am I? (3) What are my pregnancy options? (4) What resources are out there to help me? and (5) Do I have an STD like chlamydia or gonorrhea? These are important questions to have answered whether you are considering having an abortion or continuing the pregnancy.

Contact our Scheduling Line at 307-215-9684 to make your free, confidential appointment.