August is Child Support Awareness Month

August is Child Support Awareness Month, a time to highlight the importance of the financial support parents provide to their children and to thank parents who consistently pay child support they owe. This recognition was first introduced in 1995 by then-president Bill Clinton. Why is Child Support Necessary? Child support can cause conflict and frustration between

August is Child Support Awareness Month

August is Child Support Awareness Month, a time to highlight the importance of the financial support parents provide to their children and to thank parents who consistently pay child support they owe. This recognition was first introduced in 1995 by then-president Bill Clinton. Why is Child Support Necessary? Child support can cause conflict and frustration between

Involved Fathers Benefit Children and Communities

Children benefit emotionally, academically, and socially from fathers who are involved in their lives. A 2015 article in the Huffington Post cites studies that show children with involved fathers are less prone to depression, start speaking earlier in life, have a more positive self-image, and are more successful in school. Learning to Become a Great Dad Many

The Importance and Impact of Fathers

Fathers are important in the lives of their children. They interact with kids differently than moms and provide a male role model for both boys and girls. Why is that important? Studies show that boys with involved dads are less likely to get in trouble with the police as they get older and having a positive role

Coping with Grief: July is Bereaved Parents Month

Many people would agree that there is nothing as heart-wrenching as losing a child. July is International Bereaved Parents Month, a time to support friends or loved ones who have lost a child. Whether the loss was recent or decades ago, the pain experienced by parents who have lost a child never fully goes away. Many

The Benefits of an Involved Dad – Part 2

Last week we talked about how important it is for dads to be involved in their children’s lives; an involved dad not only positively impacts his children, but he also positively influences his partner and himself. If you haven’t read that post, click here. Fatherlessness is a Major Social Issue Sadly, millions of dads are

The Benefits of an Involved Dad

Father’s Day is fast approaching. Why celebrate fathers? Because, like moms, dads have a big impact upon their children. Some dads are absent from their children, which has an effect, and some dads are engaged in their kids’ lives, which also has an impact. A recent report by the Huffington Post cites studies that show children with involved

Parenting — A Tough but Rewarding Job

“The toughest job you’ll ever love,” was coined by the Peace Corps back in the 1970s and used in the organization’s advertising. Since then, other occupations, from teaching to politics, have used the phrase. Parenting, too, is considered the hardest job one will ever love. Sources of Help Many new moms have big fears about becoming a parent. Where once

Single Mom: Why Include Dad in your Child’s Life?

Single Mom: Why Include Dad in your Child’s Life? Are you a single mom and think the biological father of your baby isn’t worthy to be a part of your child’s life? He isn’t responsible, has a bad lifestyle or maybe he cheated on you?  Maybe the dad isn’t stepping up to the plate as

Options: Parenting

For a woman who decides to carry her pregnancy to term, there are two options: to parent or to create an adoption plan. Today we’ll focus on the choice to parent. Choosing this option can seem overwhelming at first.   Parenting involves carrying the pregnancy to term and delivering the baby as well as loving, nurturing