5 Tips for a Healthy Relationship

A healthy relationship is built on respect, love, and compassion. How does a person develop a healthy relationship in a world that often seems so “me-centered?” We can have strong, positive relationships with others, whether among work colleagues and friends, within family, or with a partner, and still preserve our dignity and self-respect. Here are

Does He Truly Love Me?

‘Tis the season – for romance and love! Valentine’s Day is on the horizon, and with this special day, love seems to be everywhere. Flower shops, stores with candy in heart-shaped boxes, restaurants with “lovers’ specials,” and Hallmark romance movies – you can’t get away from the red hearts, red roses, and red faces of

At True Care, You’re a Person, Not a Number

Have you been somewhere, such as the driver’s license bureau, and had to “take a number?” You won’t experience that at True Care! The staff at our center believe in treating you like the special person you are. Our compassionate advocates and nurses spend time learning about YOU, and from the questions they ask and

DIY Abortion – Don’t Risk Your Health and Life!

In areas like Wyoming where access to abortion is not readily available, some women may search online for “natural” or Do-It-Yourself methods. Researching such topics will provide a plethora of information; however, a woman must ask herself if her future health and fertility, even her life, are worth the risk. Even attempting a DIY abortion

4 Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Personal relationships can be complex and complicated. People disagree, they even fight. But, there are ways to fight fair. Some people have hang-ups, though, that destroy relationships. Your partner may be the one spilling the toxicity, or it might be you. Here are four signs of a toxic relationship, things to look for in yourself

“Not Now!”

She sat in her dorm room alone, her heart beating a million miles an hour. She kept thinking, “Please be negative, please be negative, please, please!” When she finally had the courage to look, there was no denying the result: PREGNANT! “What am I going to do?” thought the young woman. “I’m a freshman in