Should I Have an Ultrasound Before Taking the Abortion Pill?

The simple answer is: YES, it’s important to have an ultrasound before taking the abortion pill. Here’s why: You need to know how far along you are. The abortion pill, which is actually a combination of two pills, should only be used if you are 10 weeks along or earlier. You might think you know

3 Reasons to Have an Ultrasound Before an Abortion

Why should a woman have an ultrasound before having an abortion? The 23-year-old woman came to see us believing she was about seven weeks along in her pregnancy. After the True Care nurse saw the positive line on the pregnancy test, she offered our patient an ultrasound. When the image of her 18-week-old appeared on

Considering Abortion? Some Things to Consider Before You Go to An Abortion Clinic

Abortion has been legal in the United States for nearly 45 years, since the Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade in January 1973. There are generations of Americans who have never known a world without legalized abortion. The Guttmacher Institute, a research organization, cites there are approximately one million abortions performed annually in the United States. Not

4 Reasons You Need a Confirmation Ultrasound for Your Unplanned Pregnancy

Why get a Confirmation Ultrasound? True Care patients with a positive pregnancy test who meet certain medical criteria are routinely offered an ultrasound to provide important information about their pregnancy.  While many women are excited to have an ultrasound and see their unborn baby, some women, especially if they are considering the option of abortion,

Types of Abortion

What is Abortion? According to the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary, abortion is:  “the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus” There are two general categories of abortion.  Our focus will be on induced abortions rather than spontaneous abortions, however it is good to know