Will Having An Abortion Hurt My Chances to Have Children in the Future?

A medical procedure can have unpleasant effects on a person. Abortion is a medical procedure, and therefore, can impact a woman’s health, including future pregnancies. Abortion Complications Complications can arise from an induced abortion, such as infection and damage to the uterus; these are primary causes of fertility risk to women who might desire to

Resolve to Stay Safe

Public schools in Natrona County as well as Casper College and UW-Casper are back in full swing. With the dawn of a new year and a new semester come new opportunities – different classes, new friends, and important decisions. January is also a time many people set new goals and make resolutions. A great goal

Back-to-School and Violence Awareness

August and September are known as back-to-school months. Casper College and the University of Wyoming begin next week, and Natrona County Public Schools start after Labor Day. While there can be a lot of excitement as well as some anxiety with the resuming of classes, there is also another, darker aspect of going back to

Sexual Assault Awareness: Speak Up!

Every 98 seconds someone in America is sexually assaulted. Such trauma is experienced by people from all walks of life: women, children, and men; college students; military personnel; people living in cities, suburbs, and rural areas. Anyone can become a victim of this crime. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Shining a light onto this dark issue is

Things to Know if You Have Been Sexually Assaulted

Rape is a real problem affecting both women and men around the world.  Some statistics report that that up to 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men in the US have been sexually assaulted.  It is hard to know the actual numbers because many people do not make a criminal report after being raped. According

Ectopic Pregnancy – What is it and Can it Happen to Me?

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a tiny embryo implants somewhere it is not supposed to. Instead of burrowing into the lining of a woman’s uterus the embryo implants into the ovary, fallopian tube (most common), somewhere out in the abdomen, or even in a previous C-section scar.  Ectopic pregnancies are very rare (only 1-2% of all pregnancies),

Finances Can Influence a Woman’s Decision About Abortion

We are half-way through the year. Did you know that as of today, July 13, 2016, there are only 164 days until Christmas? Crazy how time flies! Gift-buying by the Billions The holiday season is the most significant spending time of the year. Last year, Americans spent an average $830 on gifts and goodies, for a total

Poison Prevention Month: Accidental Poisoning Can Happen to Any Age Group

March is Poison Prevention Awareness Month. One of the most common forms of accidental poisoning comes in the form of household cleaners, and that usually happens to young children. However, situations such as mis-labeled medication and not reading dosage instructions also occur, and those can, and do, happen to adults. How Bad Is It? According

Teen Pregnancy Rate Falling, STDs Still a Problem

It’s back to school time and students will be actively engaged in sports, drama, debate, and various additional events. Football galas, proms, and other dances are a big part of being in junior high and high school, and dating seems to take place for many at a very young age. Dating without supervision can lead

Five Tips to Help Keep You Safe from Campus Sexual Assault

Summer wanes and autumn approaches, and that means the start of schools, including colleges and universities. And with that comes concern for safety on campus. According to a study conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice between 1995 and 2013, women ages 18 through 24 (college-age) were more likely to become a victim of sexual assault than