Involved Fathers Benefit Children and Communities

Children benefit emotionally, academically, and socially from fathers who are involved in their lives. A 2015 article in the Huffington Post cites studies that show children with involved fathers are less prone to depression, start speaking earlier in life, have a more positive self-image, and are more successful in school. Learning to Become a Great Dad Many

The Benefits of an Involved Dad – Part 2

Last week we talked about how important it is for dads to be involved in their children’s lives; an involved dad not only positively impacts his children, but he also positively influences his partner and himself. If you haven’t read that post, click here. Fatherlessness is a Major Social Issue Sadly, millions of dads are

The Benefits of an Involved Dad

Father’s Day is fast approaching. Why celebrate fathers? Because, like moms, dads have a big impact upon their children. Some dads are absent from their children, which has an effect, and some dads are engaged in their kids’ lives, which also has an impact. A recent report by the Huffington Post cites studies that show children with involved