Adoption – A Loving Choice with Deep Challenges

When some people think of ‘adoption,’ they consider these and other words as part of the vocabulary: LOVE-REJECTION-NEW BEGINNINGS-RESPONSIBLE-IRRESPONSIBLE-PAIN-UNCERTAINTY-SADNESS-HOPE-ABANDONMENT-JOY The Option of Adoption Adoption is an emotional choice for all involved.  A woman who chooses adoption feels that the baby within her deserves to live, grow and have a family that will love and support

Five Things You Need to Know in an Unplanned Pregnancy

Five Things You Need to Know in an Unplanned Pregnancy Unplanned pregnancies are often called crisis pregnancies. The word crisis comes from the Greek Krisis which means decision.  The crisis pregnancy is a crossroads of change in a woman’s life which requires a decision to be made that affects her entire future. Here are five things

The Adoption Option

Thus far, we have looked at the options of abortion and parenting. This week, we will take a look at the final option; the adoption option. As with parenting, adoption requires carrying the pregnancy to term and delivering the baby.  To lovingly choose adoption can be a very mature choice. A woman experiencing an unplanned