True Care Offers True Choice for Your Unplanned Pregnancy

Jade lives in England. She took the first abortion pill, and immediately regretted that decision. Like hundreds of women in her situation, she searched online for the answer to her question: “Can I reverse the abortion pill?” and found the abortion pill reversal (APR) website. She contacted the hotline number and was put in touch

6 Things You Need to Know Before Having an Abortion

Experiencing an unplanned pregnancy often causes a woman fear and uncertainty. She faces a decision that affects her future, whether she chooses to continue the pregnancy or not. If you are facing that decision, below are six things you need to know, especially if you’re seriously considering abortion. Am I really pregnant? You may get

A Medical Abortion Can Be Reversed

During the past decade, more than 1,000 women have changed their minds after taking the first abortion pill. They found a pregnancy center or a doctor to help them reverse the effects of the abortion pill and went on to have happy, healthy babies. How is that possible? Progesterone. Abortion Pill Reversal For decades, physicians

Know Your Rights Before Having an Abortion

Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and considering abortion? If so, you should know your rights. Within the healthcare community, there is something known as informed consent—that means you have the right to know the purpose, benefits, and potential risks of a medical procedure. That includes abortion. Before you go through with an abortion, whether that’s

Reversing a Medical Abortion

During the past few years, some heated discussions have taken place regarding Abortion Pill Reversal, or reversing a medical/chemical abortion. Some say it’s not possible, while others say it is and provide proof. How Does a Medical Abortion Work? If a woman is less than 10 weeks along and wants to end her pregnancy, she

Considering Abortion? Some Things to Consider Before You Go to An Abortion Clinic

Abortion has been legal in the United States for nearly 45 years, since the Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade in January 1973. There are generations of Americans who have never known a world without legalized abortion. The Guttmacher Institute, a research organization, cites there are approximately one million abortions performed annually in the United States. Not

Can the Abortion Pill be Reversed?

Imagine you find out you are pregnant and the timing is horrible. All your plans will be impacted by this pregnancy.  You wonder how you can take care of a baby, but you struggle with the thought of ending the life within you.  Then you decide to make an abortion appointment because you don’t know