This is Suicide Prevention Week. Last week we explored some of the factors that lead to suicidal behaviors. The common thread is hopelessness. Circumstances and situations, choices one has made or that others have made for you, can cause depression and suicidal thoughts and actions. Studies have shown that abortion can be a factor for both depression and suicidal activities in women.
Abortion, Depression, and Suicide
Some women experience emotional side effects after an abortion. In a report published two years ago in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry, Dr. Lakshmi Vijayakumar addresses this issue, saying “For some young women, abortion is a traumatic life event that increases vulnerability to suicidal behavior. Rates of suicidal ideation and mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders, are increased among women who have had induced abortions. Pregnancy usually has a protective effect against suicide…”
A study published in the British Medical Journal during the mid-1990s came to a similar conclusion. Authors and researchers Mika Gissler, Elina Hemminki, and Jouko Lonnqvist stated, “The suicide rate after an abortion was three times the general suicide rate and six times that associated with birth. Our data showed that the suicide rate associated with birth was half of the general suicide rate in women aged 15–49. This suggests that childbearing prevents suicide or that women capable of giving birth are not at high risk for suicide.”
The factors of depression and suicide after abortion are hotly debated. However, when various researchers find a potential link, that information is worth reading and considering for women who are thinking about, or have had, an abortion.
You can read stories and thoughts of women who have experienced abortion as well as take the opportunity to write a story or poem yourself if you’ve had an abortion at this website:
Hope and Healing
For women experiencing remorse from an abortion, programs like Rachel’s Vineyard and SaveOne can bring new light into their lives. True Care can put you in touch with abortion recovery groups if you desire to find relief from the anger, guilt, and depression you may be feeling after an abortion. Don’t allow regret to fester into despair – there is hope and healing to be found after abortion, even if the procedure took place several years ago.
Additionally, if you or someone you know has taken the abortion pill within the last 72 hours and now regret that decision, True Care may be able to help stop the abortion process through our Abortion Pill Reversal Program. Contact us to learn more. You can also discover more information about Abortion Pill Reversal here: