6 Things You Need to Know Before Having an Abortion

Experiencing an unplanned pregnancy often causes a woman fear and uncertainty. She faces a decision that affects her future, whether she chooses to continue the pregnancy or not. If you are facing that decision, below are six things you need to know, especially if you’re seriously considering abortion. Am I really pregnant? You may get

Breast Cancer and Abortion: Is There a Connection?

Did you know that one in eight American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime? Did you know that some studies show abortion might be a contributing factor to breast cancer? October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Although doctors do not know the exact cause of breast cancer, or why one

Plan B vs Plan C

Do you know the difference between Plan B and Plan C? We explain below. Plan B We also know the Morning After Pill as Plan B or Emergency Contraception. Depending upon the brand, the emergency contraception product contains estrogen and/or the synthetic hormone levonorgestrel, The Morning After Pill must be taken within 120 hours of

Is It Important To Get Tested for STDS Before Having An Abortion?

The answer is a definite “Yes!” Two sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, are common culprits of PID and can be easily treated with antibiotics. True Care offers free testing for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea during your pregnancy test appointment, and our nurses provide treatment for our patients who test positive for either of these STDs.

Should I Have an Ultrasound Before Taking the Abortion Pill?

The simple answer is: YES, it’s important to have an ultrasound before taking the abortion pill. Here’s why: You need to know how far along you are. The abortion pill, which is actually a combination of two pills, should only be used if you are 10 weeks along or earlier. You might think you know

Know Your Rights Before Having an Abortion

Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and considering abortion? If so, you should know your rights. Within the healthcare community, there is something known as informed consent—that means you have the right to know the purpose, benefits, and potential risks of a medical procedure. That includes abortion. Before you go through with an abortion, whether that’s

At-Home Abortion/Plan C is Not a Good Plan

At-home abortion, also known as self-managed abortion and Plan C, is being touted as “safe” and allowing a woman to oversee her health care. However, taking any drugs, including abortion pills, without a physician’s supervision is unwise due to potential risks and side effects. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) only approves the abortion

3 Reasons to Have an Ultrasound Before an Abortion

Why should a woman have an ultrasound before having an abortion? The 23-year-old woman came to see us believing she was about seven weeks along in her pregnancy. After the True Care nurse saw the positive line on the pregnancy test, she offered our patient an ultrasound. When the image of her 18-week-old appeared on

Studies Reveal Many Women Pressured by Others to Abort

Forced, or coerced, abortions don’t just happen in other countries – they occur in America, too. The definition of coercion is to pressure, compel, or dominate by force (physical or emotional), and that’s what happens to many women who abort their pregnancies. For example, a few years ago, a woman in Colorado went to an