Where Can You Get The Abortion Pill In Casper, Wyoming?

Women contemplating a medical abortion using the abortion pill usually source this drug from a provider, a clinic near them, or an online source. Women obtaining this medication should proceed with caution, however. There are several factors to consider for health and safety before using this drug combination.   What Is the Abortion Pill? The abortion

What’s the Difference Between the Abortion Pill and Plan B?

Are you freaking out after having unprotected sex or missing a period? Wherever you are in your journey, you are not alone. The abortion pill and Plan B are two entirely different drugs used for different reasons. The difference between the abortion pill and Plan B is that Plan B is emergency contraception taken after

What Do I Need to Know About the Abortion Pill?

Are you considering the abortion pill as you take in the news of an unplanned pregnancy? Maybe you feel pressure from your partner or a family member. Know that it’s ultimately your decision to make. The abortion pill is a two-drug method of abortion, terminating an existing pregnancy.  It’s essential to consider the risks that

What Are the Side Effects of the Abortion Pill?

The following are serious side effects of the abortion pill: Bleeding, including blood clots  Cramping  Nausea and vomiting Sweating Feeling faint As with any other medication, it’s crucial to understand the abortion pill thoroughly before taking it. How Does the Abortion Pill Work? The abortion pill uses two different drugs: mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone blocks

What Are the Risks of Ordering the Abortion Pill Online?

How hard can it be to purchase abortion pills online? The process sounds simple – yet it comes with many risks. Buying the abortion pill online is not like buying anything else online – as it’s a serious medical procedure that comes with specific guidelines and dosage.  Though ordering the abortion pill online seems like

4 Things To Know Before Taking the Abortion Pill

A woman who experiences an unplanned pregnancy often feels anxiety and a need to deal with the situation quickly. Thoughts whirl like a tornado. She faces a decision that affects her future, whether she chooses to have an abortion or to continue the pregnancy. At or before 10 weeks, a woman can choose to have