Wellness Wisdom for Women

As August and the summer of 2018 wind down, college and public school classes begin, and we prepare for another month and a new season, one question we can ask ourselves is: how well are we? Our health is important. We women serve many roles: daughters, sisters, mothers, friends, employees, maybe employers, students, wives/girlfriends. We

Man Flu is Real!

Ok girls, we may have to be nicer to our men when they are sick. A scientific study in the Journal of Physiology in 2016 found the reason for “Man Flu!” While women often complain about how whiny their sick men are, there may actually be some validity to men’s whimpering. Apparently the female hormone estrogen provides

Suicide Prevention Week, Part 2: The Abortion Factor

This is Suicide Prevention Week. Last week we explored some of the factors that lead to suicidal behaviors. The common thread is hopelessness. Circumstances and situations, choices one has made or that others have made for you, can cause depression and suicidal thoughts and actions. Studies have shown that abortion can be a factor for both depression and suicidal

Suicide Prevention Week, Part 1: You Are Not Alone

Many people in America suffer from depression, anxiety, and feelings of hopelessness. In a land known for freedom, democracy, compassion, and wealth (especially compared to third-world and repressed countries), we should be shocked by the vast numbers of our citizens who tip over the edge to suicide: 121 suicides each day and the 10th leading cause of

Intimate Partner Violence and Pregnancy

Pregnant women can experience violence from their partners; so can women who willingly decide to terminate their pregnancies. Known as Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), this issue is “significant yet preventable,” according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and “affects millions of women regardless of age, economic status, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or educational

Heart Disease in Women

Heart Disease in Women Heart disease is the number 1 killer of American women.  Those affected are not just “old” ladies.  Many are young women in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s.  This week (Feb 1-7) is Women’s Heart Week, and this Friday is “Wear Red Day” to bring about greater awareness regarding heart disease and to get