Sexual Assault Awareness: Speak Up!

Every 98 seconds someone in America is sexually assaulted. Such trauma is experienced by people from all walks of life: women, children, and men; college students; military personnel; people living in cities, suburbs, and rural areas. Anyone can become a victim of this crime. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Shining a light onto this dark issue is

Dating Violence – More Common Than You Think

February is known at the month of love. Valentine’s Day brings thoughts of romance, yet many dating relationships are not as healthy and happy as they should be. February is also Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Sadly, statistics indicate that dating violence is not uncommon. Studies show that 1 in 3 young people will be in an

Things to Know if You Have Been Sexually Assaulted

Rape is a real problem affecting both women and men around the world.  Some statistics report that that up to 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men in the US have been sexually assaulted.  It is hard to know the actual numbers because many people do not make a criminal report after being raped. According