A Medical Abortion Can Be Reversed

During the past decade, more than 1,000 women have changed their minds after taking the first abortion pill. They found a pregnancy center or a doctor to help them reverse the effects of the abortion pill and went on to have happy, healthy babies. How is that possible? Progesterone. Abortion Pill Reversal For decades, physicians

The Abortion Pill: What is it and how does it work?

The abortion pill is advertised as a safe and effective way to end an unplanned pregnancy.  So how does it work?  Are there any special considerations a woman should be aware of before using it?  Is the abortion pill the right choice for me? What is the Abortion pill? The “abortion pill” or RU486 is

Types of Abortion

What is Abortion? According to the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary, abortion is:  “the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus” There are two general categories of abortion.  Our focus will be on induced abortions rather than spontaneous abortions, however it is good to know