Know Your Rights Before Having an Abortion

Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and considering abortion? If so, you should know your rights. Within the healthcare community, there is something known as informed consent—that means you have the right to know the purpose, benefits, and potential risks of a medical procedure. That includes abortion. Before you go through with an abortion, whether that’s

Studies Reveal Many Women Pressured by Others to Abort

Forced, or coerced, abortions don’t just happen in other countries – they occur in America, too. The definition of coercion is to pressure, compel, or dominate by force (physical or emotional), and that’s what happens to many women who abort their pregnancies. For example, a few years ago, a woman in Colorado went to an

Pressure to Abort Not Uncommon

Women considering abortion often feel pressured to do so. Such stresses may be circumstantial, relating to the woman’s life situation, or they may be personal, affected by her relationships. Perhaps she is a college student, or soon will be, and she believes she has to choose between school and being pregnant. Maybe her partner or