Suicide Prevention – Help Yourself, Help Others

The fall season is upon us. Leaves are changing, the temperature is cooling, and school is starting. Some people love autumn and can’t wait for pumpkin spice-flavored everything and colorful aspen and maple leaves. Other people, however, dread this time of year and find themselves depressed; some may even have suicidal thoughts. Your Mental Health

Suicide Prevention Week, Part 2: The Abortion Factor

This is Suicide Prevention Week. Last week we explored some of the factors that lead to suicidal behaviors. The common thread is hopelessness. Circumstances and situations, choices one has made or that others have made for you, can cause depression and suicidal thoughts and actions. Studies have shown that abortion can be a factor for both depression and suicidal

Suicide Prevention Week, Part 1: You Are Not Alone

Many people in America suffer from depression, anxiety, and feelings of hopelessness. In a land known for freedom, democracy, compassion, and wealth (especially compared to third-world and repressed countries), we should be shocked by the vast numbers of our citizens who tip over the edge to suicide: 121 suicides each day and the 10th leading cause of

Feeling Down? Get A Free Depression Screening in Casper During October

Studies show 1 in 4 women and 1 in 10 men will experience depression at some point in their lives, and, unfortunately, over two-thirds of those suffering from this illness will never seek treatment, according to a press release recently issued by the Central Wyoming Counseling Center (CWCC). CWCC will provide free depression screenings to the public

If I Regret Having an Abortion

“Found out I was pregnant on July 26th, 2016 and ended up getting a abortion July 28th, 2016. This is definitely one of the hardest things I’ve ever went through.. My boyfriend and I just weren’t ready for a baby, now we’re both going through such an emotional state because of the guilt we feel