What Can True Care Do For Me?

  If you find you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, to whom do you turn? Friend? Family? Your partner? People who care about you can listen, cry with you, and help you consider plans for the future. The question is–can you trust them to not judge you, push you into a decision you don’t want to

Know Your Rights Before Having an Abortion

Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and considering abortion? If so, you should know your rights. Within the healthcare community, there is something known as informed consent—that means you have the right to know the purpose, benefits, and potential risks of a medical procedure. That includes abortion. Before you go through with an abortion, whether that’s

Will Having An Abortion Hurt My Chances to Have Children in the Future?

A medical procedure can have unpleasant effects on a person. Abortion is a medical procedure, and therefore, can impact a woman’s health, including future pregnancies. Abortion Complications Complications can arise from an induced abortion, such as infection and damage to the uterus; these are primary causes of fertility risk to women who might desire to