When a woman is concerned about an unplanned pregnancy, getting her period can be a huge relief. Traditionally getting your period is a sign that you are not pregnant.
The problem is that some women can have bleeding during their pregnancy. Early pregnancy bleeding can trick a woman into thinking she had her period when she did not. About a week after conception, the newly conceived embryo implants into the rich lining of the uterus and sometimes causes bleeding or spotting. This is called implantation bleeding. Usually the bleeding is lighter and shorter than during a woman’s period.
How can I know if I’m pregnant?
If your “period” is lighter, shorter and a little earlier than usual, be sure to take a pregnancy test. Be aware of symptoms you may be having that could indicate you are pregnant.
Pregnancy symptoms in the very early stages of pregnancy include:
- Sore or swollen breasts – most women notice tender and swollen breasts one to two weeks after conception, even before a missed period. This can be mistaken for pre-menstrual tenderness but is usually much more pronounced.
- Fatigue is another early pregnancy symptom which can be noticed before your missed period. Not knowing why you are so tired and just wanting to lay down and take a nap could be a sign you need a pregnancy test.
- Nausea, frequent urination, darkening skin around your nipples, sensitivity to odors, mild cramps (less than during your period), mood swings and headaches are other potential signs of pregnancy.
Learn four additional things about a woman’s period at one of our earlier blog posts.
If the home pregnancy test you take indicates positive and you experience bright red bleeding, clots, and/or pain (more than you have during a regular period), please see a doctor right away as these can be signs of serious complications.
Unplanned pregnancy? Contact True Care
Worrying about a possible pregnancy can cause a woman (and her partner) much stress and anxiety. True Care Women’s Resource Center offers free pregnancy testing and ultrasound if the test which our nurses administer comes back positive. If you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, call True Care at 307-215-9684 to get scheduled for an appointment, which also includes pregnancy options education and a listing of community agencies and organizations personalized for your situation.