Women Need to Examine their Beliefs about Human Life when Considering an Abortion
Our purpose at True Care is to help women experiencing unplanned pregnancies get the information and resources they need to make the best decision possible for them regarding their pregnancy. The ultimate decision on whether to carry a pregnancy to term or to terminate the pregnancy is the sole choice of the pregnant woman. She has a set of values and core beliefs that will play a role in her decision and she must weigh her life circumstances with how she feels about parenting, adoption, and abortion.
One piece of information a woman must consider as she looks at the abortion option is whether or not abortion ends the life of a human being. This is a very
emotional topic for many bringing up ideological arguments about a woman’s right to abortion verses the baby’s right to life. Rather than getting caught up in the politics of reproductive rights, it is very important for the woman to slow down and take the time to examine her values and beliefs prior to making a pregnancy decision to be sure her choice lines up with her core principles and convictions. If her choice violates her beliefs and values, she runs the risk of suffering from prolonged guilt and remorse.
Does abortion end a human life? Yes.
Scientifically, human life begins when an egg and a sperm join together to form a new human with genetically distinct DNA. While just at the earliest stage of growth and development, the tiny fertilized egg is indeed a human life. The developing embryo does not have the same abilities and understanding that a fetus or infant or toddler or teen has.
That develops over time.
The question a woman must then wrestle with is how she feels about ending a human life at an early stage of development and how that choice weighs against the current life circumstances she is experiencing. Our patients are often caught between bad choices. They feel trapped. True Care helps our patients sort through their thoughts and feelings, discover what resources are available to them, and provides them with factual information on all of their pregnancy options. While we can’t make their decision for them, we can come alongside women experiencing unplanned pregnancies offering caring support and perhaps opening up possible options they weren’t aware of.